Why a little word makes such a difference
The word Food has nothing to do with health
Any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
Something that nourishes ; food; sustenance. A process, system, method, etc., of providing or administering nourishment.
To sustain with food or nutriment; to strengthen or promote.
Nourishing ; providing nourishment or nutriment. Containing or conveying nutriment, as solutions or vessels of the body.
1. Possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality.
2. Pertaining to or characteristic of good health, or a sound and vigorous mind.
The general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness or vigor. Freedom from disease or ailment.
The word “food”, which is used everyday to describe what we eat, really does nothing to capture the vital role that “food”—in its literal and physical form-- plays in our health.
The current definition of food seems to allow everything from the street corner hotdog stand to a vending machine to a candy store to qualify
So people put an adjective in front of food and call it “healthy food” to try to solve the problem with the definition of food. But that too falls short.
Just because the candy bar, cookie, hamburger, or chicken patty may be free from disease, doesn’t mean that when it interacts with all the cells in your body that it results in a healthy body, free from disease or ailment—in the short term or long term.
It’s time for a new word, which for the first time connects what we eat with health.
Change the everyday word, and change your perspective
Let's all adopt a new word to reflect the real meaning of “food”—what we eat-- in our lives and our health..
Any plant or animal based protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, or phytonutrient, that is ingested in liquid or solid form, that improves the cellular functions of the body to strengthen the immune system, promote energy, and reduce the risk of illness or disease. Nouri is food that has high nutrient value that benefits the body.
Nouri, a little word with a lot of responsibility, will change your relationship with what you eat…forever
Don't look for food. Look for Nouri!
Start by taking the #nouripledge today, to stop using the word food to describe what we eat and change to the word nouri, which connects what we eat to health. Tell your friends and family.